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What is Aori?

Aori is a maker-oriented high-frequency off-chain order book offering non-custodial, on-chain settlement for spot trading.

We provide market makers with a number of capabilities that aren’t provided to them currently when operating on-chain:

  • Intra-block price pre-confirmations
  • Gasless order creation and cancellation
  • Traditional limit order dynamics
  • Protection from frontrunning, sandwiching, order stealing whilst preserving transaction visibility
  • Ability to settle the orders directly on-chain (without needing to bridge) and collect any MEV
  • Liquidity can be provided just-in-time

Our thesis is that sophisticated market makers, HFT firms and MEV searchers are the best players to price on-chain liquidity efficiently. A truly efficient trading environment must empower these crucial market participants with sufficient trading guarantees (zero counterparty risk, non-custodial trustlessness, zero slippage, no order stealing, etc.) and must not impede on their liberties.

The Perfect Trading and Settlement Platform.

Transfer assets between two counterparties without the need for escrow in one transaction.

Aori is a next generation on-chain trading application that:

  • Simplifies clearing between known counter-parties
  • Enables CEX speeds with no exchange risk
  • Sell large quantities of tokens without the need to manually trade directly on an exchange.
  • Works out of the box with on-chain primitives like flash-loans and LP tokens

Historically trades have cleared through centralized exchanges or brokers trusting one another. Now, traders can settle and place simple swaps or block trades through the trust-less Aori Aoribook. The Aori orderbook under the hood uses off chain matching and a proprietary settlement smart contract (opens in a new tab) for guaranteed swaps, ensuring both parties in the same block transfer their assets, or else the transaction fails. This ensures no counterparty has the uncomfortable burden of sending their assets first, or trusting a centralized exchange for holding 1:1 reserves.

MEV Searchers

  • Searchers can now bypass the capital and infrastructure requirements historically needed to compete in the CEX-DEX arbitrage space. Rather than running a block builder and having the large amounts of capital in reserve on CEX’s to close the second leg of a trade, searchers can simply pull from the Aori orderbook and execute flash trades and liquidations using on-chain orders.

Centralized Exchange Liquidity Providers

  • CEX liquidity providers can plug into Aori exactly the same way they would with a CEX API, know that unlike most CEX’s takers are what is actually in excess due to the ability for Searchers to flash take most orders near the top of book.