Aori provides a request-for-quote model to process requests from users to market makers and solvers to respond and then settle.
Taker Flows
A taker may interact with the RFQ service in 2 ways: with a partial request or a full request.
The partial request flow is used when a taker wants to merely request a price quote from market makers and solvers without any execution. This is helpful for them in knowing the price that they could get.
The full request flow is used when a taker intends for the market maker / solver to execute the order on their behalf at or above a certain market price - the price the taker sees is the price they will get on-chain after the trade is executed on-chain.
Marker Maker / Solver Flow
A market maker / solver is able to easily subscribe to the RFQ feed to receive requests from takers.
A partial request and a full request will be shown the same to the market maker / solver as to ensure that a market maker / solver is not able to discern between the two and give fair prices in case they have the chance to be matched with the taker and win the order.